1. I’ve begun my hunt for Antique furniture if I can find them cheaply enough to study them but I will have to go interstate for this.

    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and happy new year and to all members of this wonderful site. Stay safe everyone.

  2. Paul this has been a great series. I have learned a lot of different techniques in reading and working wood, which for me is very exciting. I like the idea of using recycled wood to make a nice project.


  3. I can’t recall any discussion as to why the breadboard end was fitted in the original.
    Would it have been done as part of the original design? If so, why?
    Was it fitted later to repair some damage to the edge? Or perhaps to control some warping – or would that have required breadboards both ends?
    Why is Paul copying the original design so closely and yet leaving his boards thicker? Is this related, ie. to prevent warping?

      1. Thanks Gareth.
        I have watched the earlier eps and recall Paul saying it was to reduce cupping. Nothing surprising there – that’s what bread board ends are for.
        I’m just trying to work out why it was made so unusually. Bread board ends, as I’m sure you know, are usually put on both ends, not just one. And, normally, they would be symmetrical – either with a mitre end both sides or through joints both ends. This is a very odd design and I can’t recall Paul discussing why it was so.

          1. I thought it was odd myself that it would only be mitred on one side and only have the breadboard end on one end, but I assumed it was due to the table being a production piece and one breadboard was enough. The economy of motion. It didn’t occur to me that it may have to do with wood movement, but it makes sense.

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