1. So important to know that even the very best once in a blue moon cut the wrong side. Kind of you to leave that bit in the final edit. Looking forward to following this particular project as it unfolds because I want to make one for myself!

  2. When Paul makes a mistake and decides not to edit the video but to show it to find a solution on the fly, it exalts him by making him more human and bringing him a little closer, if possible, to the viewer.

  3. This project displays plywood far too prominently for me to consider building furniture for a living area in this manner. It strikes my eye as strictly utilitarian. Just my opinion.

    That said, Paul typically gives us something new in his projects. Here, he presents a clever method of employing thin plywood tongues to marry panels with grooved frames. If I needed a cabinet for the shop or garage, I’d definitely consider this approach.

    Thanks, Paul!

  4. Thanks Paul. I picked up another tip that I don’t think I heard you say before. Yes, you have talked about short strokes when using the plough plane. Mentioning one of the reasons is you get smaller waste pieces on a short stroke results in less chance to clog the plough plane was a wonderful observation and helpful.

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