1. Hi Paul! Thanks for this great project!
    I am doing mine and had to find out the hard way why not to start with the tray 🙂
    Q: why are you sanding the corners after applying the first coat of (linseed?) oil?
    All the best, Tomas

    1. Hi Tomas,

      Thank you for your question, I passed this on to Paul and he said:
      I was applying shellac, the first coat of shellac is usually the sanding sealer which causes the surface fibres to feel rough. The shellac, when left to dry it stiffens the fibres and subsequent applications will no longer raise the grain. Once this sanding is done, subsequent applications will no longer raise the grain.

      Kind Regards,

  2. Thank you for this project!
    As I work my way through the steps, I’m wondering about the upper grooves for the tray support. On one side the support rails are on the ends, while on the other side they are along the side and the divider. You may have mentioned the intention, but I missed what you had in mind. Was there a smaller tray intended to slide along the rails?

    Thank you for the great video instruction!

  3. That screwdriver is not a spade bit, it a cabnet makers screwdriver.
    They come in various sizes and clay and marples are a couple names on tthem. I think there are more makers and sellers but thats all i have seen for sale

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