1. great trick with the nail as a drilling bit.

    Very nice and useful project with recycled lumber that could be done with the help of young kids.
    I would take the arises off to avoid splinters.

    What to do with young kids (5-7) with limited attention?

  2. I built a wooden box with nails a while ago and what i did is drill only the first part and whack the point of the nail with a hammer to flatten the point a bit. A trick I saw somewhere. Seems to work, box is still solid.

  3. I was reminded (with fondness) of the same nail drilling technique that my wood shop teacher showed me in 7th grade for attaching fragile molding without splitting about 55 years ago. There was never enough time in class to learn what he had to offer, but like “George” was to Paul… his advice stuck and I thank him. My teacher called the technique “Spreading the fibers”. Never forgot.

  4. Oh what dark days these are to see Paul Sellers using a fancy schmancy battery powered drill. I’m gonna chalk it up to the same curse I have, age and the innate need to do things a little easier.

    1. Huh he’s done that in videos since forever ago. I was actually surprised to see him use an egg beater type drill in a very old video, because almost all others feature the battery powered drivers.

  5. Could you please explain why the sharpened nail works? It removes very little material from the hole when compared to using a drill, so why is the propensity to split so much reduced?

    1. Hi Chris,

      Paul says:
      I think what’s happening is the wood is being parted off by the reaming action of the pyramid point which makes it friable and compressible into the walls of the hole.

      Kind Regards,

  6. Loved it. I ‘just happen’ to have pallet wood sitting on the basement floor that’s looking for something to do with itself … and we got the seeds going in egg crates. Next year will be different. Thanks Paul

  7. As an alternative to all the precision cabinet making, sometimes it’s fun to knock something together using nails. That’s where I started with my grandfather on his farm. The wood was always recycled from something else and the nails were usually a bit rusty and were kept in a jar in the byre.

    Next week on Woodworking Masterclass, Paul builds a cold frame using his new chop saw and nail gun, utilising some MDF and a sheet of chipboard previously used to board up a shop window.

  8. First, I love garden projects. Plug for a Slovenian AZ Beehive or a Horizontal George de Layens Beehive!

    Another project that I would be fascinated to see is how to make a Wooden Vise as good as a Record steel vise. How would you make the screws for example?

    I’m lucky I found a retired woodworker getting rid of a vintage Record vise and it grips like iron. Most people in the US might not be so lucky and it would be nice to have a wooden version you could make yourself.

  9. A wonderful explanation for the splitting of wood on the ends of these boxes.

    When I was keeping bees, (or should I say they were keeping me?) I often found that when buying and assembling the frames on which the foundation wax was placed for them to draw out comb for brood and for honey, the frames would often split when nailing the frames together. This looks to be a great way to solve that problem applying the concept you taught using the filed and sharpened nail.

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi James,

      This is something Paul put together to separate his seed, I passed on your query and he is going to put together a short video on how to do this. I will be sure to let you know when and where it’s published when this is decided.

      Kind Regards,

  10. Used a lot of these when I was a teenager, the timber used on the base and sides was much thinner than Paul used. They lasted a long time. Indeed they were still in existence were I put them into storage at my mothers, but suffering woodworm after 50 years.

  11. I would like to see the seed separators as well. I’m guessing they’re slots cut to fit together as grids (one slot “up”, and the mating slot “down”), but I’m just a novice that’s not really bright enough to think of any other ways to do it.

  12. Thank you Paul for sharing your video. It’s certainly inspired me to get out into the garage and make a few of these, especially only using minimal tools to do the project.

    Thank you again, loved the nail tip.

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