1. I do have a local collective that farms and mills elm along with a lot of other species native to the area and they say their elms live out a normal long life span with no infection. I can get elm lumber from them most of the time I visit if I want.

    I just planted a DED resistant elm in my front yard, resistant, not immune. Many of the new North American varieties (there are several) which are now entering the market in a big way are Asian/North American hybrids as Asian elm are strongly resistant to DED. My home state actually has a DED resistant native variety. In the 70’s when DED die outs were strong, a single elm tree was found in very healthy condition in the middle of a gigantic cluster of all dead ones, and eventually finishing out a very healthy normal elm life span. It’s genome has been preserved.

    Nice to see elm worked in furniture again.

  2. Only a Master Craftsman could produce half-blind dovetails that fit like this the first time. I’ve been practicing a lot before touching the Sapele that I’ll use for this project, and my attempts cannot even be fettled into something I would call respectable. That’s why I have a sign hanging in my shop that reads, “The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.” [Stephen McCranie]

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