1. This particular series makes me look at furniture in a completely different way. When we replaced the box spring of our bed I carefully dismantled the old one to see how they made it, to guess at why they did certain things the way they did. Tool marks, saw cuts, small bevels. It was a real education. Visceral as you say.
    Thanks for the eye opener.

  2. Another great video Paul. Thanks! However, at the end of episode 4 you say that you will show us how to cut the pockets in the aprons that hold the screws in the next episode – but I did not see that in this video. Did I miss it somewhere? Looking forward to cutting the shapes on my aprons. πŸ™‚

  3. Wonderful episode, Thanks a lot!

    You said that you would use hide glue for the original table. Hide and bone glue is a fantastic matter to work with. I’m using it as often as I can and especially for my harp making. Will we have the chance to see you use it one of these days? I’m convinced you will surprise us again!

    kind regards


  4. Hope this isn’t a dumb question but -what type of clamps did the original craftsman use to help him with his glue up?
    I imagine he didn’t have as much open time with animal hide glue as we do with PVA or access to ally sash clamps.
    BTW also would like Paul to show us all how he made the pocket holes for the top with traditional tools.

  5. They had metal and wooden clamps I need to make some wooden clamps or cramps however you call them.

    Animal hide glue can set quickly or have long open times.

    You can make an appliance to drill pocket holes you would use a hand brace for that.

  6. I had the same two questions Clem asked. What would the original craftsman’s clamp technology and process looked like? And what is the technique for making the pocket holes for the screws? I can envision using a bit and brace with some kind of jig, as Salko suggested, but they also look a lot like they could be cut with a gouge as was done for finger pulls on the sliding lid boxes.

  7. Paul and crew thank you for another great video, this is one table I would like to replicate. I was wondering if I missed the “pocket hole screw section” as well. I love the stop cuts and how you make the chisel “sing” through the wood.


  8. **How to cut the pockets in the aprons**

    Today I realised the missing part of how to make the pockets for screwing the top on in this episode is in the updated version of this video.

    Old file name: occasionaltableep5standard.mp4 (247 Mb)
    New file name: occasionaltableep5.mp4 (282 Mb)


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