1. Great to see you back in the saddle Paul. Some time ago I made the “vertical shooting board” really love it, works better than I initially thought it would. A brilliant aid. Mine hangs on the end shelf next to my brush.

  2. Well let me say Paul you are looking great, and I am so happy you are on the mend and listening to your doctors. This is an interesting project which I think I might do as I have several pictures from NYC Central Park that have plastic frames and I think I would like to change them. I have a bunch of Maple that needs to be used up and some Cherry as well. Thanks as always Paul, man I am happy to see you are back in the shop. Thank you for keeping the rest of sane.. All the best Sir.

  3. Paul,
    I am so glad to see you back at teaching (obviously your second love, only a little behind woodworking – and family, of course). Thankful to see you letting your body heal. Is that a Golden Receiver in your picture? They can be such comforting friends. Mine is finally getting used to being in the shop with me.

  4. Well thank you Paul and crew! It’s good to see you getting back into making again after your incident on the bike and with such a good project.
    As a fellow bike enthusiast and lover of “Riding Awheel in Sunny Uplands” ( to quote famous north countryman Albert Winstanley), I never fail to be amazed, being another in my 70s, at the mindless abuse and uncaring risk cyclists continue to face. I know that some cyclists can justifiably be criticised for bad behaviour themselves, not least being selfish on the highway, so nobody is perfect. The fact that you were physically assaulted is just beyond the pale however. My best wishes for a speedy recovery and getting back to everything you most enjoy now that the careful mending is nearly complete.

  5. Hi Paul, Thank you for your courage to get back in the shop. I myself am a retired carpenter and trainer. I have just spent 10 days in ICU following major surgery and felt like my workshop will now just gather dust. Watching your quiet determination and peaceful approach has renewed my mind and I’m planning what projects I will start as soon as I’m released and able. Day 20 in hospital has given me lots of time to follow many ideas from your videos. Thanks for your inspiration. Bruce from Queensland, Australia 🇦🇺.

  6. Sorry to hear about the assault but glad your on the mend and back at your bench doing what you do best, all the best, and thank you for all your great projects past and future so appreciated.

  7. So heartening to see you triumph over insane assaults, sir. You’re living proof one can’t keep a good man down. The person or people who did this have to be completely oblivious to all the good you’ve done in the world. I do hope the bobbies or the Yard, whoever is handling your case apprehend them. I also hope, provided you want to, that you can confront them in a safe environment that they might learn how a true gentleman, like you, handles things in a good and decent way. At the very least, they should be ashamed of this misdeed. In the meantime, you continue to amaze me and all your followers by your example and in fact, your heroism! Wishing you the best and thanking you for all you do to bring hope and light into this world.

  8. I am delighted to see you back at the bench, and it’s great to see you already in such good shape. I’m also glad that the assault clearly didn’t diminish your enthusiasm for teaching and sharing your expertise. Thank you for this video with references to two very useful jigs (and for the great camera work).

  9. Sorry to hear of the incident but glad you are recovering well. I love the simplicity of this frame. I haven’t been woodworking for a while for other reasons, but the need for some frames will get me back in the shop for a while. Thanks for the video!

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