1. Great project Paul I have been looking forward to this project. I am making two of them one for my son and one for my son-in-law. I was hoping that you would cover how you are attaching the rear back panel to the box. I watched the video from today with great anticipation. I tried beveling a test piece for the panel. I will need to watch you and your approach to this task.
    Bruce in Columbus, OH

  2. There is not a single video in this whole collection where I didn’t learn at least one little extra tid bit of technique that helped me create something beautiful. Thank you Paul and crew!

  3. Thanks Paul, I am 72yrs of age and the knowledge, skills and the straight forward way in which you present woodworking masterclasses has inspired me to have a go woodworking once again. I would however, like to know where I could source the the dovetail jig that you are using on this project, it looks a great piece of kit.

  4. Hello Paul,

    I have noticed on a few projects which feature cross grain rebates that you prefer not to use a rebate plane with the knicker. Is there a particular reason you choose to avoid this method or do you just find other methods more applicable?

  5. Gauge lines for the win! I recently used my rabbet/rebate plane to do a rabbet for a 110 inch/2794 mm long felt lid seal for an outdoor storage box. Using Pauls tips, all four rabbets came out quite well. Gauge lines make sure the rabbet surface is level as I tip out like Paul did, but it’s fairly easy to correct.

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