1. I love it …! At about 17:10 Paul says, “Now this is about as feisty as an Arabian gelding — this wood has got some guts ….” I don’t know how the film crew and staff held it all together without losing …! Hang in there, Paul, give it right back when it fights you.

  2. Dear Paul and company;
    You never cease to amaze me as to the things you have done with your mastery of the hand tools. As I watch you dry fit mortise and tenon joints I wonder if the joints you make are not just a little to close. It seems from working with projects myself, that once the glue is applied and the wood starts to swell, a joint that fits to tight will be more work than necessary to achieve closure and could actually starve the joint of glue.
    The other thing I would like clarification of is why you used tape to make the joining of the 2 plys and not both glue and tape working together when you started the dry assembly. The tape would act as a temporary holding the panels in place while the glue would be the final set for the panel. It would stop the separation that occurred and give a solid contact of both plys.
    Paul has been such an excellent mentor and will always cherish what he has passed on. If you could give insight to the 2 items I mentioned it would be appreciated.
    Always Thankful;
    Ed Poitras.

    1. Hi Edouard,

      Paul says I think this all depends on feel when the joints are assembled and in 53 years I have never had a joint that didn’t seat fully.

      I think that glue would work fine but is also more messy considering it’s actually the groove which will hold everything together once assembled therefore I avoided the glue.

      Kind Regards,

  3. Wow, I don’t know that I’ve seen Paul gang up pieces for a cut before. I’ve watched a lot of his videos now, maybe I have, but I can’t remember it if I did see him gang-cut. Another fantastic video, thank you WWMC team.

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