1. This looks like a great project. I have left over tongue and groove oak flooring from a stair project (which gave me beautiful patchwork in the risers, as well as strong treads) , and I think I can get the wood I need from those left overs. It will involve planing off the tongue and grooves, as well as the molded back of the wood — but that provides lots of nice shavings to go around the blue berry bushes! I may keep the thickness at about 5/8″ which will be a little heavier, but it should look quite nice.

  2. Paul…

    You may be an eco-greenie goofball on many of your blog posts, but you are without doubt the greatest hand-tool woodworking teacher ever. I and thousands of others have become confident hand-tool furniture builders by following your example.

    As such, I don’t think you’d mind if I suggested that you drop the “furniture for the new house” thing and instead keep on doing what you’re doing. It works.

    1. You haven’t missed it.
      You build this with what wood you have to hand, to the size that you need, bearing in mind the useful proportions of the thing.
      There are some dimensions stated here and there, but only for guidance.

    2. To add to that: The assumption is we all know how big a breadbox is supposed to be — as in “Is it bigger than a breadbox?”. From there one can work out the dimensions of the strips. As for the thickness of the stock, somewhere Paul says he is using 5/16″ (~8mm) but that’s also just another guideline.

  3. It’s refreshing to see even the best can make a mistake once in awhile (@28:20). A good woodworker knows how to work-around these occasional pitfalls, and sometimes even turn them into a feature.

  4. This is a great-looking project and I am going to make it. I have but one quibble: I would like to see all of the completed item at the very beginning of the video. Show all the outsides, insides, and open the lid completely. A lot of video howtos make this same mistake, though, thankfully, Paul gets to the point and does not waste the first five or ten minutes being a talking head.

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