1. I have enjoyed this series. I do really appreciate the making of this piece in a wood that is more accessible and showing how a wood that might be thought not suitable for application is crafted to purpose.
    I was also interested in what type of filler was used to fill the sap pockets (I assume that is what they were) in the panel?

  2. I really enjoyed the variety of camera angles—especially the view of Paul planning straight into the camera and test fitting the joint—in this episode. I hope we see more like this! Please express my gratitude to the videographers for their outstanding work 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  3. I recently bought a Stanley No.50 plough plane which has two skates and I assume the Record also has two. However, I noticed that you were using the plough plane with only one skate.

    Thanks for such a great demonstration. Looking forward to the rest of the bed making.

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