1. THANKS for showing so many different ways to shape the cove. It’s always good to see that there are many alternatives and we need not always buy specific single purpose tools.

    Thanks too for your bravery in demonstrating the use of one of the most despised tools (in my mind, at least), the coping saw. The only ones I’ve ever found are simply junk, but you either have a better example or can make even junk work well. πŸ™‚

  2. Hi. Paul

    Good job I bought a set of three scrapers today.

    They will be the first I will have used. You talk about thinner and thicker, I don’t know the thickness of my set? Or where I could obtain a thicker or thinner set.

    I bought a Stanley number 80 scraper, superb unused tool, delivered today.
    Picked up a rusty 9″ draw knife last week, now shinning and very sharp!! Even have a carpenters axe now very sharp edge with black painted body and clean linseed oiled handle!!

    Thanks to you Paul and a few pounds my tool set is growing, like other members I really enjoy your tutorials.

    A very grateful apprentice……..John

    1. I think Paul has previously mentioned the Veritas card scrapers that come in a set of 4 different thickness’s. They’re not exactly cheap, but I got some myself and found them to be very good.

      Happy scraping! Martin

  3. Another wonderfully informative lesson. One quick question: I’ve seen several circular/compass planes such as the old Stanley 113 listed for sale on Ebay. Is their any advantage to them over a small wooden compass plane such as the one you used? Thanks to the entire staff for all you do!

    Gary Blair
    Lander, Wyoming, USA

  4. I haven’t tried this, but what about ploughing two grooves separated by the width of a bench plane blade. With grooves wider than the distance between the edge of the plane blade and the plane’s side wall, you could then hog out the middle with the bench plane. Might work?

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